Dienstag, 5. Juni 2012


The Africa Unity Week is a project of the African Community in Hamburg organized to unify and support all People of African Descent as they celebrate Africa Day.
During the Africa Unity Week the aim is:
• to celebrate the identity and heritage of people of African descent living in Hamburg
• to create a forum for dialogue and exchange of ideas and experiences on issues of common interest affecting not only the Black Community in Germany, but also the Mother Continent and other black Diaspora
• to commit, unite and organize to fight racism and all forms of discrimination in Germany and thus contribute to making Germany a more diverse, intercultural and tolerant society
• to support the struggle for liberation, human rights, and social justice in Africa and
• to support the fight against neocolonialism and racism

This year Issiaka Moussa and Gamal Agouda-Bouraimah contributed to the Africa Unity Week by presenting their latest dance performance.

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