Dienstag, 17. Mai 2011

"OUT OF LINE " Collaboration Issiaka Moussa Mit Gamal-dine Agouda-bouraima

"OUT OF LINE"  ist ein Projekt von Issiaka Moussa gemeinsam mit dem Tänzer und Sänger Gamal-dine Agouda-bouraima. LINE repräsentiert alle Probleme, die uns tagtäglich begegnen, OUT die Kontrolle, die Freude zu Leben. Die beiden Togoer sind sowohl im traditionnellen afrikanischen als auch im zeitgenössichen Tanz verwurzelt.
OUT OF LINE wird mit live Music präsentieret.

Das Stück wurde bereits am 14. August 2011 beim Festival "Djembe Ivoire" und am 21. August beim "Art Clash Festival" in Hamburg präsentiert. 

Gamal-dine Agouda-bouraima

Gamal-dine Agouda-bouraima from Togo, is a professional dancer, choreographer and singer trained in traditional West African and contemporary dance and music. His work is well known in Africa and Europe and carries the mark of style "Dance Taken Out" mixture of African contemporary dance and music with the Nature. He has been working many years in Hamburg and as member of the "DJANTE BI Dance Troop of Hamburg" he created two Dance Theater pieces for the Troop ("Girl of the King" and "Jealousy"). Gamal worked with various schools and taught dance theater for young people and adults and worked with international choregraphers. He also collaborates with the "Djidjya Dance company" created by Issiaka Moussa with whom he is co-choreographer of the piece "OUT OF LINE" that is coming out soon.

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